Send and pick up shipments the way it suits you
Shipments in your pocket with mojePPL
Everything you used to look for in emails, texts or on the map is now in one app.
We have a large network of PPL Parcelboxes
2 500
PPL Parcelboxes and third-party boxes in Czechia
4 200
PPL Parcelshops in Czechia
6 700
Dispatch and pick-up points in Czechia
Partner pick-up points in Europe
Find your nearest PPL pick-up point
When and where will you pick up your shipment? That's up to you! Take a look at the map of PPL Parcelboxes and PPL Parcelshops and choose the one closest to you.
Rent a couple of m2 of your property to the best tenant in the world
Delivery with PPL at unbeatable prices
Make yourself happy with your purchase and save on transport. Discover e-shops that currently offer free or reduced price transport with PPL.
Sustainability at PPL
Ecology, sustainability, environmental protection – these are not just words to us. We are actively involved – responsibly and sustainably.
Parcels under control in the app
Everything you used to look for in emails, texts and maps is now in one handy app.
Download the appSend a shipment to a pick-up point
Choose when and where you want to pick up your shipment. View the pick-up points and select the one that meets your needs.
MorePPL pick-up points: 6,000
Show them all on mapPromotional delivery with PPL
Make yourself happy with your purchase and save on shipping. Discover e-shops that currently offer free or discounted shipping with PPL.
MoreSustainability in PPL
Ecology, sustainability, a better environment - these are not just empty words for us. We are part of it. We are improving.
More information