As one! We can come from a different city, region, district. We can come from a different social environment, be of different age, skin color, religion or education, and yet (or maybe because of that) form a unique and great team full of different ideas, views and opinions that hold together and pulls together.


Diversity is what unites us 

DIVERSITY WEEK will launch a major diversity campaign called I BELONG. Its aim is to show that it is not what we differ in that matters, but what unites us. Each member of PPL CZ is a full-fledged part of the company, and as such should feel accepted and respected in their team.


Do you know what acronym DEIB means?

Diversity Week is associated with an acronym that describes the diversity in the company in more detail. Do you know how to decipher individual letters of abbreviations?

DEIB = Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging


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Night excursion of logistics students to the new HUB of PPL CZ

25. 4. 2024| About us

Dopravní noviny: Night excursion of logistics students to the new HUB of PPL CZ

The cooperation of the Department of Logistics with PPL CZ is not only about practical familiarization of students with the issues of KEB services by organizing professional lectures and seminars or elaboration of company topics for qualification theses. The most popular with students are always excursions to real operations.