Up until now, you could pay on delivery for parcels when they were delivered by a driver to a selected address or when picking them up at one of our PPL pick-up points, either in cash or by credit card. 

How to do it?

If you use the mojePPL mobile app, you will be able to make COD payments directly in the app. Once the shipment appears among the active ones in the app, you simply select Pay (Zaplatit) and are redirected to the payment gateway. This option will be available in the app in the next few days. We will inform you.

On the website ppl.cz the process is similar. The blue Pay button is displayed in the shipment detail, which immediately redirects you to the payment gateway. It is also easy to get to the COD payment directly from the e-mail notifications we send to the e-mail address specified at the time of ordering.


Your time is precious

The main advantage of this new feature is that you do not have to wait for anything. COD payments can be paid conveniently at any time and from anywhere with just a few clicks. Anyone else can also pick up the package - they just need to know the 6-digit PIN code. We believe that making COD payments through a payment gateway will make it easier for you to shop online.

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Index Balík: Trendy v českém e-commerce | PPL CZ

6. 5. 2024| Press releases

Index Balík: Trendy v českém e-commerce? Online nakupují všichni, výdejní boxy zažívají boom. Třetina i zboží prodává

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